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the good news is we could die at any moment for 'no' reason

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: the good news is we could die at any moment for 'no' reason why spend our life in fear? i guess the key is thought redirection,but still working on sorrow but hate the fear.

sometimes i feel that the universe is about to crush me into nothing.
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former member default image - bird flying away

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What we fear is the unknown. Eliminate the unknown and eliminate the fear. Most panic attacks, after the first one, are triggered by a fear of having another panic attack. Don't try to stop them once they have started. That is like trying to stop a sneeze halfway through. The best way to stop them is to catch them before they get to that point of inevitability. After each panic attack sit down and document everything that preceded it (what you were doing, what you were feeling & any outside influences such as being tired or hungry). By documenting these facts, you'll start to see a pattern. Once you have identified the earliest symptom, every time you experience that symptom start doing slow deep breathing (don't hyperventilate). Just like you probably know how to stop a sneeze before it happens, this breathing will stop panic attacks before they happen. When we are stressed, we tend to take short shallow breaths. It is the lack of oxygen to our system that triggers the panic attacks. Watch your breathing, get oxygen to your system and learn stress management skills (i.e. only focusing on those things within your control {other people will never be within your control}, regular cardiovascular exercise, relaxation {different from sleep} and proper nutrition). By focusing on these things, you'll see a significant reduction in panic attacks.
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former member default image - bird flying away

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September 21, 2011
Posts: 7

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`Well, when i am very depressed, thinking i could die soon is a relief but when i am normal, this isn't even funny. Lets try to be more positive ok?

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